APTOS: tensor threads for a surgery-free lift - Dr Benouaiche
With APTOS threads, outcome is immediate and amazing, but it’s maximized after 2 months.

Aptos thread lift: a non-surgical facelift

APTOS offers a variety of efficient resorbable and non-resorbable threads.

APTOS is the world leader of tensor threads in facial and body thread lifts. The goal is to achieve a facelift without surgery. Dr. Sulamanidze patented the concept of barbed threads for his company APTOS 30 years ago.

“APTOS Excellence” tensor threads

APTOS Visage Excellence are barbed, removable and bidirectional threads implanted after a local anesthesia.

Dr. Benouaiche (Paris 7) uses APTOS tensor threads because they provide an excellent grasp and offer results that allow a global treatment of the face. The focus is on enhancing facial beauty, not just the sagging.

During the first appointment, Dr. Benouaiche conducts a holistic analysis of your face and recommends the appropriate treatment based on your motivations.

  • A quote as well as an informed consent need to be signed before the treatment.
  • Before and after photos and videos of the face are taken.

To start the treatment, a local anesthesia is performed to maximize comfort and reduces the risks of bruises.

The barbed threads are then inserted using a cannula. There will be only one entry point, and no exit points. The procedure can last about 45 minutes at the practice following the first appointment.

After the procedure, the patient is immediately presentable.

There is no need for social downtime. Any discomfort can be managed with post-treatment painkillers. A follow-up appointment is scheduled with the doctor between 15 days and 1 month after the procedure.

APTOS resorbable tensor threads: insertion techniques

Overview of the procedure with Sonia

APTOS Nano Excellence tensor threads are placed between the tail of the eyebrow and the forehead hairline to open up the gaze, but also to the facial contours to redefine them.

Her look is strong and intensified, and her eyelids are lightened for a less-tired appearence. The outcome looks natural and can last 2 years.

Overview of the procedure with Fanny

Placing ATPOS Needle 2G resorbable tensor threads is a sophisticated technique with unprecedented outcome.
To this day, it is the only non-surgical method in aesthetic medicine to treat neck skin laxity.

Overview of the procedure with Marie

Barbed, removable and bi-directional threads are placed under a local anesthesia. This procedure can be performed in about 45 minutes in the practice after a prior consultation. Once the placement is done, patients are immediately presentable.

Immediate and amazing results

The results are fully optimized after 2 months.

  • The facial contour is lifted.
  • The cheekbones are lifted.
  • The contour is reshaped.
  • The eyebrows are raised

The threads stimulate collagen production and create a radiant and rejuvenated effect , for 12 to 18 months regarding non-permanent threads.

Hands, cleavage and neck

APTOS tensor threads are also remarkable for areas such as the hands, cleavage and neck
that often show off aging. For instance, take a look at individuals like Claire Chazal. Her face does not have the same “age” as her neck and hands.

“APTOS threads for the neck, cleavage and hands will tighten the skin, smooth out a cleavage, and firm the skin of the hands.

APTOS tensor threads for the body: Excellence Body

After pregnancies and with aging, some women feel embarrassed with their abdomen. The skin becomes loose, wrinkles and folds even if the patient maintains a balanced diet and exercises. The same goes for the arms, inner thighs or bottom. These areas of sagging are quite inevitable when aging, even among active persons.

APTOS tensor threads for the body is an effective solution offered by aesthetic medicine. These APTOS absorbable threads for the body are performed in a single session at a medical aesthetic clinic.

Arm lifting with resorbable tensor threads

Introduction to a rejuvenation and embellishment technique for the arms (Caroline)

How can we correct the sagging and wrinkled skin of the arms ?
The result is a more tense arm, with optimal effects visible after two months following the placement.

APTOS useful informations

How do APTOS resorbable tensor threads work?

These threads are made with collagen-inducing substances. It means that the fibroblasts under your skin will colonize the thread and use it to produce collagen. The threads are barbed and have an excellent anchorage. Thanks to this technique, the lifting effect is immediate.

How does the placement of resorbable thread lifts in the body work?

After an overall analysis of your body shape and a review of your medical background, along with photographs taken of the area in question and a signed quote, Dr. Laurence Benouaiche proceeds with a local anesthesia for greater comfort. She inserts the thread using cannula at the single entry point. There is no need for stitches. Thanks to the crimps, threads won’t move after they’re inserted. Anesthesia and thread placement take about 45 minutes.

What are the potential side effects of body tensor threads?

  • For 1 or 2 weeks, you may experience some bruises which will quickly disappear.
  • Your abdomen might be slightly sensitive for 3 to 10 days.
  • A follow-up appointment is scheduled with the doctor between 15 days and 1 month.
  • Outcome is immediate but fully optimized after 2 months,
  • The results last up to 2 years. The skin will regain its firmness.

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